The Reasoning and Argumentation Lab (ArgLab) of the Nova Institute of Philosophy is seeking to recruit a Post-Doc Fellow in the scope of the Project “ANTIDOTE: ArgumeNtaTIon-Driven explainable artificial intelligence fOr digiTal mEdicine” (CHIST-ERA/0002/2019), directly supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology through National Funds and co-funded by the CHIST-ERA Programme (supported by the Horizon 2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme of the European Union through the ERA-NET Cofund funding scheme).
Area of Research
Philosophy / Reasoning and Argumentation
Admission Requirements
PhD degree in Philosophy or Linguistics.
To be considered, a candidate must have a degree in Argumentation Theory, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, or Philosophy of Science. At least two articles published in peer-reviewed, indexed journals in a relevant area are necessary. Strong and demonstrable expertise in the areas investigated in the project (argumentative dialogues, inference to the best explanation) will be an extra asset. Fluent English is strictly necessary.