Essays on Values Vol. 2
Estes três volumes, intitulados Essays On Values, reúnem quarenta e um artigos recentes de investigadores do Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA). Constituem uma pequena amostra de tudo o que, nos últimos quatro anos, os investigadores do Instituto publicaram, em inglês, em revistas indexadas e coletâneas de ensaios com revisão por pares. No seu conjunto, refletem muito bem o trabalho de investigação que é feito no IFILNOVA.
9 Editorial Note
15 Sounding the Archives:
Sounding the Past towards a Future Living Archive
Maile Colbert
31 The City as Spielraum:
Play, Aesthetic Experience and Politics in Urban Space
Nélio Conceição
55 Modernist Realism and its Enemies: John Coetzee and Philosophy
Ana Falcato
85 The Drawing of the Winding Line
Ana Godinho
99 A Taste of Moral Concerns – On the Applied Judgment of Taste
João Lemos
113 Chaosmopolitanism:
Recon guring James Joyce’s Cities of Thisorder and Exiled Selves
Bartholomew Ryan
141 Writing in First Person?
Tatiana Salem Levy
153 The Sea as a Border, the Sea as an Experience: Artistic Engagements with the European Migration Crisis in Three Films
Gabriele De Angelis & Emma De Angelis
177 How to Mediate Reality:
Thinking Documentary Film with Adorno and Horkheimer
Stefanie Baumann
201 Kant and Burke’s Sublime in Werner Herzog’s Films: The Quest for an Ecstatic Truth
Patrícia Castello Branco
229 Archaeological Practices of Cinema:
the Critique of Representation in Straub/Huillet and Farocki
Susana Nascimento Duarte
255 What Is It like to Be in the Land of Silence and Darkness?
Werner Herzog and the Paradox of Representing the Unrepresentable
Paolo Stellino
281 Cinema, the City, and Manoel de Oliveira’s Logic of Sensation
Susana Viegas