We are pleased to announce that the issue 12 of Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image, edited by the special Guest Editors Stefanie Baumann and Susana Nascimento Duarte, is now available online for free download.
Besides the selection of double blind peer-reviewed articles, it includes a Special Dossier with the following texts: The Uncertainties of Dialectics (Jacques RANCIÈRE); Deaths of Documentary (Paula RABINOWITZ ); A Busca Totalizante de Sentido (TRINH T: MINHA_HA ). It includes also a Virtual Round Table with the editors and José BÉRTOLO, Christa BLÜMLINGER, Dario CECCHI, Ilana FELDMAN, David LAROCCA, Volker PANTENBURG, Nicolás PEREDA, Fernão PESSOA RAMOS, Raed RAFEI, Narimane MARI, Filipe MARTINS, Catarina MOURÃO, NGUYEN Trinh Thi, Susana de SOUSA DIAS, Marie VOIGNIER, Phillip WARNELL, Mohanad YAQUBI.