Susana Nascimento Duarte is a member of IFILNOVA’s CineLab, and an Associate Professor at ESAD.CR/IPL, where she teaches ‘Project in Sound and Image’, ‘Studies in Art’, ‘Laboratory of Experimental Film’ and ‘Studies in Communication’. She holds a PhD in ‘Cinema and Television’ by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (UNL).
She integrated the research projects Film and Philosophy. Mapping an encounter (IFILNOVA/FCSH/UNL) and False Movement: Studies on Writing and Film (CEC/FLUL). She is currently a researcher of the project Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy (IFILNOVA/FCSH/UNL).
She also collaborates with the project RIAL – Reality and Imagination in the Arts and Literature of the Center for Comparative Studies at FLUL.
She was one of the programmers of the series of meetings ‘What is the Archive?’, organised by Videoteca/Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa. She is the Interviews’ Editor of Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image.