Philosophical Talks

4 May 2024 | Évora, Sociedade Harmonia Eborense (SHE)
Guests: Irene Borges Duarte & Fernanda Henriques
Chair: Hélder Telo
The talks will be in Portuguese. More information available in Portuguese.
Philosophical Talks
What is happiness? What is the meaning of love? Are we truly free? How important is care? What are emotions? How to understand spirituality?
In partnership with PRAXIS – Centre of Philosophy, Politics and Culture (University of Beira Interior/University of Évora), the City Councils of Lisbon and Covilhã, and the organizations CooLabora, SHE (Sociedade Harmonia Eborense) and TARS (Associação para a Resiliência e a Sustentabilidade da Terra, Torrão), the “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life” project organizes a series of Philosophical Talks dedicated to these themes of perennial interest, which have occupied and concerned philosophical reflection since its origins.
Each talk will be dedicated to a specific topic and will feature the participation of teachers and researchers well-versed in that topic. We invite all interested parties to attend and participate in these talks, which are free to attend and do not require any prior training.
Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science within the scope of the CultureLab research project “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, A Contemporary Approach” (2022.02833.PTDC).