OutlabCineLab • Workshop


Workshop on postcards and interactive books

Workshop on postcards and interactive books
With Ana Dias

Neighborhoods are made up of small stories contained within windows. Let’s find out what happens in each of them, during the festive month, by creating postcards or small interactive books.

Age: +6 (the youngest must be accompanied by their parents)

CineMagia – Cinema and Philosophy at the Library is a program for children aged 4 to 10 that combines fun and learning, offering animation workshops, through which children can increase their creativity. In these workshops, children will learn to create simple animations or develop visual concepts, imagine, think and (re)create.

With CineMagia, children will have the opportunity to discover the world of cinema and animated films in a fun and educational way, while exploring their creativity to reflect on important values ​​and develop critical thinking.

This program is developed by Marta Fiolić and Maria Irene Aparício, from the Cinema & Politics: Philosophical Approaches working group, and by illustrators and animators Catarina Gil and Ana Dias, as part of the activities of the Laboratory of Cinema & Philosophy (CineLab) and with the support of the Laboratory of Dissemination (OutLab) in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut.

Event supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science under the project UIDB/00183/2020.