Summer School

Registration for the summer courses is now open. Free admission: you do not need to present any certificate or previous application. Students may choose to take one or several courses, in the same area or in different areas, according to their interests and the availability of timetables and vacancies.
A Arte de Saber. Perspetivas filosóficas sobre a verdade
4 – 15 Jul
Ana Falcato, Gianfranco Ferraro, Hélder Telo, Marta Faustino & Pietro Gori
Understand the philosophical problem related to the notion of truth and knowledge.
- Acquire basic notions about the main philosophical theories about truth and knowledge in their relationship with the art of living, from Antiquity to modern and contemporary philosophy;
- Develop basic skills in reading, interpreting and discussing philosophical texts from various historical periods, in which the issue of Truth is preponderant.
Course taught in Portuguese.
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Teorias do Si (Self)
18 – 29 Jul
The course intends to discuss, within a map of perspectives of contemporary interdisciplinary philosophy, the problem of the self: how to answer Descartes’ question “what am I?”
Course taught in Portuguese.
Ética, Política e Retórica no Górgias de Platão
18 – 29 Jul
- Develop skills in reading and interpreting a philosophical work;
- Provide cultural, linguistic and terminological knowledge necessary to understand Plato’s thought;
- Foster a critical reflection on the meaning and interconnection of the main theses on rhetoric, psychology, ethics, politics and epistemology presented in Plato’s Gorgias;
- Consider the place and function of these theses in Plato’s thought, through comparison with passages from other works;
- Discuss the historical repercussions and contemporary relevance of some of Plato’s main theses.
Course taught in Portuguese.
A filosofia perante o suicídio: uma introdução
29 Ago – 8 Set
- Understand the most important philosophical aspects related to the phenomenon of suicide;
- Analyze and debate arguments for or against suicide;
- Know the main philosophical approaches to suicide;
- Stimulate a critical reflection on the way suicide was and is seen in Western society;
- Encourage the development of critical analysis of philosophical texts.
Course taught in Portuguese.