Launch of the books Planos de Pormenor and A cidade nas práticas artísticas

It is with great pleasure that the PI’s of the project Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: the experiencing the city between art and philosophy, sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) — PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017, and the editors announce the launching of two books produced as part of the research carried out during the above-mentioned project:
Planos de Pormenor: leituras críticas sobre a experiência da cidade, edited by Nélio Conceição and Nuno Fonseca, with contributions from various colleagues linked to the project and to the Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art research group of the Culturelab, with a joint edition by IFILNOVA and Edições Húmus, in digital, open access and paper versions, which will be presented by the chronicler and literary critic António Guerreiro; and
A cidade nas práticas artísticas, edited by Nuno Fonseca, Humberto Brito, João Oliveira Duarte, Susana Ventura and Susana Viegas, with the contributions of philosophers, researchers and artists who participated in the seminars dedicated to cinema, photography, sound arts, literature and architecture held within the scope of the project and whose open access digital edition will be presented by its editors.
18h30 Opening words by Maria Filomena Molder
18h40 Presentation of the book Planos de Pormenor by António Guerreiro
19h15 Presentation of the book A cidade nas práticas artísticas by its editors