Robert Clowes

The Mind-Technology Problem (Clowes, Gartner, & Hípolito, In Press; Fuller, 2021) concerns how our current deep engagement with technologies that embed artificial intelligence — smartphones, intelligent assistants, etc. — and increasingly regulate the world around us are changing our conceptual categories of mind. This talk will explore some of the ways our understanding of mind appears to be changing and some different stances we might take on it. I also discuss some ideas for a new project on the Mind, Technology Problem and Conceptual Engineering.
Clowes, R. W., Gartner, K., & Hípolito, I. (Eds.). (In Press). The Mind-Technology Problem — Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts: Springer.
Fuller, S. (2021). The Mind-Technology Problem. Postdigital Science and Education. doi:10.1007/s42438-021-00226-8
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