CLAUDIO ROZZONI obtained his Ph.D. in Aesthetics and Theory of Art from the University of Palermo with a dissertation on Marcel Proust and philosophy. He then developed two post-doctoral research programs about the notion of image at the University of Milan (the first starting from both Husserl’s and Fink’s works, while the second dealing with Diderot’s Salons). In 2011 he was awarded the New Aesthetics Prize by Società Italiana d’Estetica (SIE). He is currently a researcher in Aesthetics at the IFILNOVA of the New University of Lisbon, with a project focusing on “Aesthetic Experience, Values, Emotions in the Contemporary Lifeworld”. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Husserl-Archive of the Universität zu Köln (2013) and at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), Department of Film, Television and Digital Media (2015), as well as a Visiting Professor at the University of Milan (2017-2018).