Maria Irene Aparício
Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences

Maria Irene Aparício (Ph.D., New University of Lisbon, 2011) is a researcher of CineLab – Laboratory of Cinema and Philosophy, and an assistant professor at FCSH – NOVA University Lisbon. She was a researcher on the project Film and Philosophy: Mapping an Encounter. Currently, her research is focused on contemporary cinema and memory, as well as ethics and aesthetics dimensions of film. She obtained her PhD degree in Communication Sciences/Cinema at the New University of Lisbon, with the thesis “Light and Architecture of Space in Film: Image, Memory, and Emotion on Mind’s Decade”. She has published several essays, namely on art perception and science, and presented a number of papers on cognitive questions related to film. Her research interests include Cinema and Philosophy (e.g. Perception, Cognition, and Film Language); and Film History, Aesthetics and Memory (e.g. Space, Time, and Emotion), particularly in relation to Portuguese Cinema. She is the Book editor of Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image, and the editor and founder of, Journal of Art, Science and Communication Sciences, an on-line project since 2005.

CineLab • books
Cinema & Filosofia: Compêndio
Cinema & Filosofia: Compêndio
João Mário Grilo and Maria Irene Aparício (Eds.)
Lisboa: Colibri
book chapters
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
CineLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
The Barrier of Screen and the Invisible Images of Cinema
The Barrier of Screen and the Invisible Images of Cinema
Maria Irene Aparício
Mátria XXI, pp. 189-222.
CineLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Do Desenho do Espaço ao Espaço da Escrita. Trajectos da Memória e inscrição da Identidade no Filme Memento
Do Desenho do Espaço ao Espaço da Escrita. Trajectos da Memória e inscrição da Identidade no Filme Memento
Maria Irene Aparício
Trajectos, Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Educação, 18, 89-112.