Nélio Conceição
Appointed Research Fellow and CultureLab Coordinator

Nélio Conceição is a research fellow at the NOVA Institute of Philosophy, where he coordinates the CultureLab. He obtained his PhD in Philosophy (Aesthetics) at FCSH-UNL (2013) with a thesis on the relationship between philosophy and photography. His research interests focus on aesthetics, philosophy of art and contemporary philosophy. In this regard, he has been working on the thought of Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Kracauer, and on topics related to aesthetic values, the concept of play, philosophy of photography and philosophy of the city, particularly in its aesthetic, social and political dimension. He was a visiting scholar at PUC – São Paulo and ZfL – Berlin. He co-edited the volumes Aesthetics and Values: Contemporary Perspectives (Mimesis International, 2021) and Conceptual Figures of Fragmentation and Reconfiguration (IFILNOVA, 2021). Between 2018 and 2022, he co-coordinated the FCT-funded research project “Fragmentation and reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy”. He has been lecturing on aesthetics, the thought of Walter Benjamin, and the relationship between art, philosophy and the city.

book chapters
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Articles in conference proceedings
CultureLab • Articles in conference proceedings
Descrever fotografias, descrever a fotografia: entre Husserl, Barthes e Benjamin (Describing photographs, describing photography. On Husserl, Barthes and Benjamin)
Descrever fotografias, descrever a fotografia: entre Husserl, Barthes e Benjamin (Describing photographs, describing photography. On Husserl, Barthes and Benjamin)
Nélio Conceição
H. Brito (Ed.), Filosofia e Literatura 2: Descrever Arte. Actas do 2.º Colóquio de Filosofia e Literatura (pp. 105-122). Lisboa: Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA.