EPLab  Outlab
Gabriele De Angelis
Research Fellow and OutLab Coordinator

Gabriele De Angelis (Ph.D. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy, 2003; Grundständige Promotion, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 1999) is a political theorist, works as a researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and is the OutLab Coordinator. His current research is focused on the reform of the economic governance in the European Union, especially with regard to normative aspects. He is author of several papers, monographs, edited volumes, and special issues of international journals on political legitimacy in national and supranational contexts and on the history of political thought.


His articles have appeared in journals such as European Politics and Society, Journal of Classical Sociology, History of Political Thought, Critical International Review of Social and Political Philosophy.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals