Susana Viegas
Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences

Susana Viegas is Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of NOVA FCSH and the PI of the ERC CoG project FILM AND DEATH. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy (Aesthetics) from the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa in 2013, was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Dundee and Deakin University with the project “Rethinking the Moving Image and Time in Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophy” (2014-2019), and was Appointed Research Fellow in film philosophy at the NOVA Institute of Philosophy (2019-2023). She is co-editor/founder of ‘Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image‘.

book chapters
CineLab • book chapters
A Caça: ‘A mão, a mão, home…!’
A Caça: ‘A mão, a mão, home…!’
Susana Nascimento Duarte & Susana Viegas
J. M. Grilo & A. Preto (Eds.), Manoel de Oliveira e o Cinema Português I: A Bem da Nação (pp. 33-35). Porto: Fundação Serralves.
CineLab • book chapters
Why Lyotard and Film?
Why Lyotard and Film?
Susana Viegas and James Williams
G. Jones, & A. Woodward (Eds.), Acinemas: Lyotard's Philosophy of Film (pp. 10-16). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
CineLab • book chapters
Da realidade e da sua representação: materialismo fílmico
Da realidade e da sua representação: materialismo fílmico
Susana Viegas
J. M. Grilo, & M. I. Aparício (Eds.), Cinema & Filosofia: Compêndio (pp. 257-265). Lisboa: Colibri.
CineLab • book chapters
Deslocar o tempo: ontologia da imagem-cristal
Deslocar o tempo: ontologia da imagem-cristal
Susana Viegas
J. M. Grilo, & M. I. Aparício (Eds.), Cinema & Filosofia: Compêndio (pp. 191-201). Lisboa: Colibri.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
CineLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Devir Outro: Hipocondria e Vampirismo em João César Monteiro
Devir Outro: Hipocondria e Vampirismo em João César Monteiro
Susana Viegas
International Journal of Cinema, 2, 99-105.
CineLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
O que nos faz pensar? Heidegger, Deleuze e a filosofia do cinema
O que nos faz pensar? Heidegger, Deleuze e a filosofia do cinema
Susana Viegas
Revista Exagium 11, 82-97.
Articles in conference proceedings
CineLab • Articles in conference proceedings
Thinking reality and time through film
Thinking reality and time through film
Susana Viegas (Ed.)
Book of Abstracts of the International Lisbon Conference on Philosophy and Film. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.