Sessão de apresentação do Projeto GENAI

10:00–10:30 Robert Clowes (IFILNOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal), Thinking with GENAI as Cognitive Ecology (The idea of the GENAI project and its theoretical approach)
10:30–10:50 Maile Costa Colbert (IFILNOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal), AI, Art and Archives
10:50–11:10 Sarah Seyr (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Business), Data and AI Integrity: Scope, Activities, and Framework
11:10–11:30 Intervalo
11:30–11:50 Gloria Andrada (IFILNOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal), The problem of Transparency in Intelligent systems
11:50–12:10 Paul Smart (University of Southampton, UK), The Digital Andy: A Digital Philosopher or Philosophy Lab?
12:10–12:30 Demo Interativa do Projeto Digital Andy com Paul Smart
12:30–14:00 Almoço
14:00–14:30 David Spurrett (University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa) em Debate com Robert Clowes, Algorithms AI and Hostile Scaffolding
14:30–14:50 Dakota Root (Université Grenoble Alpes), AI & Work and a New Seminar on the Philosophy of GENAI
14:50–15:20 Intervalo
15:20–15:50 Klaus Gaertner (CFCUL, Lisboa, Portugal), The Mind Technology Problem and the Future
15:50–16:20 Vítor Duarte dos Santos (Information Management Research Center (MagIC) — NOVA Information Management School, Portugal), AI and Creativity
16:30–17:00 Alguns marcos do projeto e discussão aberta sobre o futuro