ArgLab  Outlab
Dina Mendonça
Research Fellow and Coordinator of the research group Philosophy and argumentation in society

Dina Mendonça (Ph.D. University of South Carolina, USA 2003) researches on Philosophy of Emotions and Philosophy of Education with a special concentration in Philosophy for Children. Her research focuses on developing a Situated Approach to Emotions, which takes emotions as dynamic and active situational occurrences (Mendonça, 2012). This pragmatist research of Deweyan inspiration aims at elaborating a critical interpretation of philosophical reflections on emotions clarifying different problems and advantages of different methodological and philosophical approaches as well as identifying the key issues emotions theories (Paradox of Fiction, shared emotions, etc.) and further complexities of the emotional landscape (variability of valence of emotions, meta-emotional processes, etc.). In addition, she teaches Didatics of Philosophy concentrating on the role of writing for the education and improvement of thinking skills, and also creates original material for the application of philosophy to all schooling stages, and as an aid for creative processes.

Research Projects
book chapters
ArgLab • book chapters
Foundations of Philosophy for Children, Reasonableness and the Education of Thinking
Foundations of Philosophy for Children, Reasonableness and the Education of Thinking
Dina Mendonça
N. S. Miras Boronat & M. Bella (Eds.), Women in Pragmatism: Past, Present, and Future. Switzerland: Springer.
ArgLab • book chapters
Normas Emocionais (Emotional Norms)
Normas Emocionais (Emotional Norms)
Dina Mendonça
C. Mauro, S. Miguens & S. Cadilha (Eds.), Mente, Linguagem e Acção: Textos para Discussão (pp. 73-82). Porto: Campo das Letras.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Articles in conference proceedings
ArgLab • Articles in conference proceedings
The Role of Details. How Emotions appear in Analogies and Analogies Maintain Feelings
The Role of Details. How Emotions appear in Analogies and Analogies Maintain Feelings
Dina Mendonça
M. L. C. Soares et al. (Orgs.), Expressões da Analogia: Actas do Colóquio / Expressions of Analogy: Proceedings (pp. 279-286). Lisboa: Edições Colibri.