Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy. Critical Assessments
Eds. Marta Faustino & Hélder Telo

Acaba de ser publicado pela Brill o livro Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy. Critical Assessments, editado pela investigadora do CultureLab Marta Faustino e por Hélder Telo (Universidade da Beira Interior).

As afinidades entre as interpretações de Pierre Hadot e Michel Foucault da filosofia antiga, bem como o seu impacto nos estudos clássicos e em discussões contemporâneas sobre a filosofia como modo de vida, são bem conhecidas. Apesar de influentes, porém, ambas as abordagens foram alvo de crítica em vários aspetos cruciais. Este volume fornece a primeira abordagem crítica compreensiva das interpretações de Hadot e Foucault da filosofia antiga. Juntando especialistas em filosofia antiga, por um lado, e nas obras de Hadot e Foucault, por outro, o volume explora estas críticas e contribui para o esclarecimento de ambas as abordagens. O volume oferece, assim, uma visão sinóptica das principais correntes atuais nos estudos sobre a filosofia como modo de vida, ao mesmo tempo que relança o debate e abre novas possibilidades de investigação na área.



Introduction: The Task of Assessing Hadot’s and Foucault’s Interpretations of Ancient Philosophy
Marta Faustino and Hélder Telo

PART 1: General Accounts

1 To What Extent Can Greek Philosophy Be Characterized as an “Art of Living”?
Christoph Horn

2 Ancient Philosophy as a Way of Life Examined: Clearing up the Confusion between “Way of Life” and “Art of Life”
Annie Larivée

3 The Problem of the Dandy in the Aesthetics of Existence: Foucault’s Dialogue with Hadot, Kant, and Baudelaire
Paul Allen Miller

PART 2: Spirituality

4 Philosophical Mythoi: the Birth of Spirituality from the Nature of Things
Gianfranco Ferraro

5 A Contamination of Philosophy by Religion? Reassessing Hadot’s Notion of Spiritual Exercises
Marta Faustino

6 Pierre Hadot and His Critics on Spiritual Exercises and Cosmic Consciousness: from Ancient Philosophy to Contemporary Neurology
Michael Chase

7 Ancient Stoicism: between Spiritual Exercises and Cognitive Therapy
Konrad Banicki

8 Towards a Comparative Archaeology of the Notion of “Spiritual”: Michel Foucault and “Ancient Philosophy” as “Spirituality”
Pierre Vesperini

PART 3: Logos and Truth

9 On the Role of Reason in Ancient Philosophical Practice: an Intellectualist Reframing of Hadot’s and Foucault’s Approach
Hélder Telo

10 Foucault on Parrhēsia and Rhetoric: a Reassessment
Daniele Lorenzini

11 From Speech to Pure Visibility: a Problem in Foucault’s Conception of Socratic Parrhesia
Paulo Alexandre Lima

12 Between Care of the Other and Truth-Telling: the Place of Epicureanism in the Interrupted Dialogue between Michel Foucault and Pierre Hadot
Federico Testa

PART 4: Hermeneutical Questions

13 Physics, Periodization & Platonism: Inflecting the Foucault-Hadot Dialogue in Light of L’Herméneutique du sujet
Matthew Sharpe

14 Foucault, Reader of Plato: the Problem of ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ βίου
Fábio Serranito

15 Aristotle and Philosophy as a Way of Life
John Sellars

16 Creative Error Genealogy: toward a Method in the History of Philosophy
Eli Kramer and Gary Herstein


Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy. Critical Assessments
Fuastino, M., Telo, H. (Eds.)
ISBN 9789004693517

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