Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art

The “Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art” group brings together the researchers who have been working until recently in the “Art, Criticism and Aesthetic Experience” group and intends not only to consolidate the work that has been developed there but also to expand it in new directions that have been gradually coming out of that work. For over a decade, most of the members of this group have been working on issues of aesthetics, from its conceptual and philosophical dimension, but also exploring the cultural, social and political importance of aesthetic experience in the context of art, of different artistic practices (photography, cinema, architecture, dance, music and sound arts) and of everyday life, particularly in the context of the city, object and setting of the group’s main research project OBRA – Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: the experience of the city between art and philosophy (PTDC/FER-FIL/32042/2017), coordinated by Maria Filomena Molder (PI) and Nélio Conceição (co-PI). At least since 2015, the research of the group, as a collective, and of each of its members, in their individual research projects, has also been concerned with the problematic of values, following the main line of research of the NOVA Institute of Philosophy, and in particular the issue of aesthetic values, as demonstrated by some seminars, workshops and conferences, which resulted in at least one special issue (no. 14, 2017) of the journal Itinera – Rivista di filosofia e teoria delle arti, dedicated to values and historical tensions in the experience of the city, and to a book published in Mimesis International, with the title Aesthetics and Values (Conceição & Rozzoni, eds, 2021).

Furthermore, in recent years, the group has been collaborating with teachers and researchers from other Portuguese and foreign institutions. Taking advantage of the academic environment and activities (such as seminars, conferences and publications), the group simultaneously developed several dissemination activities with non-academic institutions (such as the Lisbon Municipal Archive [Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa] and RTP, Portugal’s public service of broadcasting, through its radio channel Antena 2), which consolidated its growing communication with society in general. The regular participation of its members in cultural and artistic productions has also contributed to a fertile dialogue with artistic practices, often reinforced by the precious inner knowledge arising from the creative process.

It is with this acquis and within this context that the group will continue to develop its work, electing the following lines of investigation as guides:

  • The study of the core problems and concepts of philosophical Aesthetics and, in particular, aesthetic values, from the perspective of their historical-philosophical transformation and the challenges of contemporaneity, both in the social, cultural and political context of new forms of experience and sensibility, and in the context of art and different artistic practices;

  • A reflection on the different ways of experiencing, creating, representing and expressing the city, in its various dimensions of the inhabitable space, public space, space of sensibility and imagination, having as a philosophical and artistic horizon the problems, concepts and ideas of fundamental thinkers on the modern and contemporary city (from Simmel to Rancière, as well as Benjamin, Kracauer, Lefebvre, de Certeau, among others) and the creative work of the various artists who drew inspiration from the city or who decided to intervene in the city in order to transform it and provoke action and thought.

  • The philosophical study of the issues, problems and modes of artistic creation, participation and reception of art, in addition to the several artistic practices (photography, film, architecture, dance, music and sound arts), considering the discussion of the values of art in the contemporary era and the way in which art itself reflects, problematizes and stimulates or calls into question the social, political, economic, cultural or environmental values of contemporaneity.
CultureLab • books
A realidade em exercício: a fotografia, da fenomenologia a Walter Benjamin
A realidade em exercício: a fotografia, da fenomenologia a Walter Benjamin
Nélio Conceição
Lisbon: Edições do Saguão.
CultureLab • books
Pierre Macherey: Dell’utopia!
Pierre Macherey: Dell’utopia!
Gianfranco Ferraro (Ed. and transl.)
Pisa: Textus
CultureLab • books
Friedrich Schlegel: Da essência da crítica e outros textos
Friedrich Schlegel: Da essência da crítica e outros textos
Bruno C. Duarte (Transl., notes and preface)
Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
CultureLab • books
O Perseguidor das Sombras
O Perseguidor das Sombras
Maria Filomena Molder
São Paulo: Lumme Editora
book chapters
CultureLab • book chapters
A diferença entre salvar (zu reten) e libertar (zu erlosen) a existência pessoal. Sobre Etty Hillesum
A diferença entre salvar (zu reten) e libertar (zu erlosen) a existência pessoal. Sobre Etty Hillesum
Maria Filomena Molder
M. L. R. Ferreira, & F. Henriques (Coords.), Marginalidade e Alternativa. Vinte e Seis Filósofas para o século XXI. Lisbon: Edições Colibri.
CultureLab • book chapters
Literature and Health: Proust as Symptomatologist
Literature and Health: Proust as Symptomatologist
Claudio Rozzoni
L. Schreel (Ed.), Pathology and Aesthetics. Essays on the Pathological in Kant and Contemporary Aesthetics (pp. 49-68). Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.
CultureLab • book chapters
La trama sospesa
La trama sospesa
Gianfranco Ferraro
M. Masini (Org.), Fernando Pessoa, Pagine di Critica e Estetica. Pisa: alleoPoesia & TeXtus.
CultureLab • book chapters
L’architecture est un geste. Variations sur un motif wittgensteinien
L’architecture est un geste. Variations sur un motif wittgensteinien
Maria Filomena Molder
P. Woitling, & C. Denat (Eds.), Transferts linguistiques, hybridations culturelles (Langage et pensée, n.° 6, pp. 319-342). Reims: Épure – Éditions et Presses Universitaires de Reims.
CultureLab • book chapters
Habiter: un secret manifeste
Habiter: un secret manifeste
Maria Filomena Molder
S. Franceschelli, M. Gribaudi, & H. Le Bras (Eds.), Morphogenèse et Dynamiques urbaines: Les ateliers de Morphologie EHESS-EnsAd (pp. 62-73). Paris: PUCA.
CultureLab • book chapters
Genio e creazione artistica
Genio e creazione artistica
Claudio Rozzoni
M. Mazzocut-Mis (Ed.), Lineamenti di Estetica. Temi e problemi (pp. 28-53). Firenze: Le Monnier.
CultureLab • book chapters
Senza condizioni. Sulla professione e la condotta della filosofia
Senza condizioni. Sulla professione e la condotta della filosofia
Gianfranco Ferraro
G. Ferraro (Ed.), La filosofia come professione. Pisa: Alleopoesia.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
As mãos sobre a cidade: utopia, periferia e distopia na Lisboa contemporânea
As mãos sobre a cidade: utopia, periferia e distopia na Lisboa contemporânea
Gianfranco Ferraro
Thomas Project, 24.04.2017.
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Cosa resta dei beni comuni? Su di una ragionevole utopia urbana
Cosa resta dei beni comuni? Su di una ragionevole utopia urbana
Gianfranco Ferraro
CultureLab • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Chi scrive? Chi legge? Il chiasma fra autore e lettore a partire dalle “Recherches sur l’usage littéraire du langage”
Chi scrive? Chi legge? Il chiasma fra autore e lettore a partire dalle “Recherches sur l’usage littéraire du langage”
Claudio Rozzoni
Chiasmi international, 16, pp. 325-344.
Articles in conference proceedings
CultureLab • others
Hegel: Elêusis
Hegel: Elêusis
Bruno C. Duarte (Transl.)
Telhados de Vidro, (21), pp. 94-103.
CultureLab • others
A biblioteca em fogo
A biblioteca em fogo
Maria Filomena Molder
Revista Telhados de Vidro, 21.
CultureLab • others
La bibliothèque en feu
La bibliothèque en feu
Maria Filomena Molder
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso (Catalogue de l'exposition au Grand Palais, 20 avril – 18 juillet 2016). Paris: Fondation Gulbenkian/Réunion des Musées Nationaux – Grand Palais.
CultureLab • others
Eterno estrangeiro, eterno convidado
Eterno estrangeiro, eterno convidado
Maria Filomena Molder
Eu e os Outros (Catalogue, pp. 21-32). Lisbon: Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea – Museu do Chiado/Leya.
CultureLab • others
Amor do longínquo, obediência à proximidade
Amor do longínquo, obediência à proximidade
Maria Filomena Molder
Revista Telhados de Vidro, 20, pp. 215-238.
CultureLab • others
A meada dos rastros. Catálogo da exposição Statua – pinturas e desenhos de Manuel Vilarinho
A meada dos rastros. Catálogo da exposição Statua – pinturas e desenhos de Manuel Vilarinho
Maria Filomena Molder
Lisbon: Giefarte
CultureLab • others
Finanza antimoderna. Una lettura di “The Wolf of Wall Street”
Finanza antimoderna. Una lettura di “The Wolf of Wall Street”
Gianfranco Ferraro
Ponte, 70(11-12), 74-81.